Eesti teaduse teekaardi objekt NAMUR+


Services developed under roadmap object NAMUR+ are based on the demand of academic users as well as of companies for advanced measurements and technology services i.e. to conduct various development processes and/or to implement new technologies, methods and materials into production.

Access to the equipment will be ensured upon the acceptance of the application form. Short information on the hardware capability is shown by each service. The description also includes the contact person and the operator of the service. Clients who need a consultation to solve their specific task are advised by NAMUR + project manager Vambola Kisand, with whom the appropriate solution for further work is advised.

For the purposeful use of the infrastructure, the consortium has established a scientific advisory body that will evaluate applications and share the measurement time in case of significant over booking. Corporate and other private sector clients will be allowed to use the devices for a maximum of 2 months (based on our experience so far, usually up to 2 weeks) from the time the application is received. The goal is to expand the user community as long as free resources are available. Currently, applications from R&D institutions are received by the representative of the institute who is responsible for the device. Together with the operator of the device they evaluate the volume of the work and ensure that the research/measurement is carried out within a reasonable time.

Estonian Research Infrastructures Roadmap object „Center of nanomaterials technologies and research (NAMUR+)” is co-fundeded by European Regional Development Fund (projects „Nanomaterials – research and applications“, 3.2.0304.12-0397, 01.02.2012-31.12.2015 and „Center of nanomaterials technologies and research”, 2014-2020.4.01.16-0123, 01.01.2017-30.06.2022).